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Office Ergonomics: Elements To Streamline Your Workstation

What is more important than creativity, productivity, and time management during a workday? Safety and comfort. When you spend hours at your desk, you learn to appreciate the importance of ergonomic workstation products. After all, they decrease discomfort and physical stress. Office ergonomics streamline a workstation, we’ll outline how.


What Is An Ergonomic Workstation?

An ergonomic workstation gives maximum safety and comfort to workers. It is a workspace that promotes health and creativity. This means that the office desks, chairs and accessories should keep them comfortable during long working hours.


How Do Office Ergonomics Improve The Work Environment?

For an office working environment, focus on providing the proper office ergonomics to your employees. Businesses that prioritise improving the work experiences of their employees improve work performance. By incorporating elements of ergonomics in the workplace, they reduce absenteeism and promote team communication and productivity.

When working from a home office, ensure to use a suitable ergonomic workstation setup. Doing this enhances the overall experience, improves time management and prevents any health issues that might arise from the long-term effects of sedentary sitting.


How To Set Up An Ergonomic Workstation?

The current working system expects the majority of office workers to remain stationary for extended periods. This is why a proper ergonomic workstation setup is needed. A strong ergonomics integration boosts employee morale by making them more comfortable.

There are several ways to design and set up an ergonomic office workstation. Here are a few:

Lighting. When designing the ideal ergonomic workstation, consider the available space and the aesthetic value you want. Setting up an ergonomic workstation starts with having good, adequate lighting. Whenever possible, use natural light.

Exposure to sunlight has health benefits that improve physical and psychological well being.

Furniture. Ergonomic furniture features innovative design and comfort. These improve the user’s posture, decrease clutter and include proper safety functions.

When it comes to office ergonomics and furniture, a workstation should include chairs, desks, and converters.

  • Chair. The most important piece of furniture in the office is the chair. A good one should be ergonomic because it provides the best support to the spine. A supported back improves posture and alleviates pressure from the shoulders and back.

Look for a chair that has different moving parts that tilt, swivel, turn and stretch. A high-quality chair, like the Ally or the POP, is great for agile working.

  • Desk. An ergonomic chair pairs well with an ergonomic desk. These desks have enough space for work items and ample leg room underneath. They also feature storage drawers or chests that store files and accessories so that the workstation doesn’t look cluttered.
  • Sit-stand converter. A standing desk converter is an accessory that is either mounted on top of or attached to a desk. It conveniently allows workers to switch between sitting and standing during the day.
  • Accessories. Computer workstation ergonomics allow employees to work in a neutral and relaxed typing posture that minimises the risk of developing an injury. For instance, the computer screen should be at a comfortable height and distance.

Consider placing desktop keyboards and mouses on a keyboard tray. Installing a keyboard tray beneath a desk allows the keyboard and mouse to be at a position that supports the health of wrists and elbows by improving typing posture.

Other elements of computer workstation ergonomics that enhance the working experience include adjustable laptop stands and adjustable monitors with support frames that tilt.

ChairClub manufactures office chairs and seating solutions in South Africa. So whether you are spending your days working from an office or a home office, you can bring new life into your workstation with high-quality ergonomic workstation products. Contact us today.

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